It's time to grow your business and yourself in a sustainable way.
What is your biggest dream?
A Holistic & User-Centred Approach to Online Marketing
A key to my approach is taking every project, organisation as a unique and complex system of resources - human, technical, financial - and looking at what strategy and campaign fits best in that moment of time. In this way, the 'big dream' or 'goal' becomes approachable and split up into concrete steps. For this I start with the “3 circle model” to place the business challenge and opportunities into perspective.
Besides a user-centred, creative and dedicated problem-solving mindset?
Online strategy
It can be tricky at times to find your way through the online jungle. There are hundreds of tools and thousands of articles portraying which channel works best and why. I have proven to help organisations through this jungle with a strategy that fits not only the business or campaign goals but also the resources (human, technology, financial) for that specific time. For this I use a combination of research, design thinking and data.
Content creation & marketing
What drives your clients and how will they get to your product, service or message? Bluntly sticking it into their face (“Buy now”, “We are the best”) won’t work anymore. It’s time to bring them value. Value that then converts them into new clients or keeps them coming back. This is only possible together with a distribution plan that identifies the most promising channels to reach the right audience.
Social media & email campaigns
Besides strategy, I love to write convincing stories (posts, emails) that get people to take action. I do this by getting into the minds of the potential target audience and using the smart algorithms of social media advertising and google analytics to get results. However, it doesn’t stop here. I work to ensure their entire journey is taken under the loop through conversion optimisation and an engaging design.